Lemon Balm
SKU: 66508
New! Distinct lemon flavor.
Basil, Italian Large Leaf
SKU: 66488
Basil flavor. Green stems and leaves.
Sorrel, Red Veined
SKU: 66513
Lemon flavor. Dark green leaves with red veins and stems.
Basil, Red Rubin
SKU: 66490
Sweet spicy flavor.
Radish, Daikon
SKU: 66511
Crisp, spicy flavor. Green leaves and white stems.
Basil, Red Rubin
SKU: 66490
Sweet spicy flavor.
BUY Microgreens grown in NY.
Beet, Bull's Blood
SKU: 66492
Mild beet flavor. Deep burgundy leaves.
Radish, Red Rambo
SKU: 66512
Mildly spicy flavor. Dark purple stems and leaves.
Beet, Early Wonder Tall Top
SKU: 66493
Mild beet flavor. Deep burgundy leaves.
Microgreens are smaller than “baby greens,” and harvested later than “sprouts,” microgreens can provide a variety of leaf flavors, such as sweet and spicy. They are also known for their various colors and textures. Among upscale markets, they are now considered a specialty genre of greens that are good for garnishing salads, soups, plates, and sandwiches. Please check out our "Nutritional info page" to find out more about the nutritional value and how microgreens may potentially have higher levels of nutrients than mature vegetables.
SKU: 66498
New! Mild, sweet anise flavor.
Cress, Cressida
SKU: 66502
Spicy pepper flavor. Fancy, three-lobed leaves.
Cabbage, Red
SKU: 66495
Mild flavor. Dark green leaves with purple margins.
Collard, Champion
SKU: 66501
Medium green leaves, light green stems and a mild flavor.
Chard, Bright Lights
SKU: 66496
Mild beet flavor. Light green, gold, pink, orange, purple, red, and white stems.
SKU: 66500
Cilantro flavor. Green, attractively-shaped leaves.
Microgreens Wholesale in New York
Chinese Cabbage, Kogane
SKU: 66499
Mildly sweet flavor. Bright green leaves.
Kale, Red Russian
SKU: 66505
Mild flavor. Dark blue-green, serrated leaves outlined in pink.
Fennel, Green
SKU: 66504
New! Great fennel flavor.
Amaranth, Garnet Red
SKU: 66451
Mild flavor. Attractive fuschia stems and leaves.
SKU: 66506
Dill-flavored, green feathery leaves.
Mustard, Green Wave
SKU: 66510
Sharp spicy flavor. Medium green leaves.
Komatsuna, Red
SKU: 66507
Mild flavor. Dark maroon leaves with bright green undersides.
SKU: 66486
Spicy arugula flavor. Purple stems and dark green leaves.
Mustard, Garnet Giant
SKU: 66509
Mildly spicy flavor. Darkest purple mustard.
Basil, Lemon
SKU: 66491
Lemon basil flavor. Green stems and leaves.
Basil, Dark Opal
SKU: 66487
Basil flavor. Mostly purple leaves with 20% variegated or green leaves.
SKU: 66494
Finely textured leaves.
Chard, Bright Lights
SKU: 66497
Mild beet flavor. Green leaves with bright reddish pink stems.
Cutting Celery
SKU: 66503
New! Mild celery flavor.